Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Recovery Continues

Physical therapy is not an intended method of torture. Well at least that's what I've discovered. I'm moving well, great actually, losing weight and able to do so many more things than I could do before. I'm looking forward to doing more and becoming more and more active. It is taking a little time to get my energy levels back up, but I'm told that's to be expected.

I should return to work soon. Mixed thoughts about that. Quite honestly, if I could make the money I make a my day job from home, I'd consider working from home very seriously. Definitely something for me to ponder in the future (near, not far).

At any rate, I'm doing well and I'm so glad that I finally had the surgery. More later!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Recovering and frustrated

I'm recovering very well.  I'm walling without assistance or aids, driving, cooking; but I still get frustrated.  Just as I think I'm doing great I hit a bump and feel as though I'm I'm not doing so great. Today's example, I was going to go to hear a friend sing at the Jazz Hall, something I always love.  I didn't go because I felt terrible all day.  I had a migraine, my knee was hurting more than it's hurt in weeks.  I had so much medicine in my system there was no way I could drive.  (Side note: I still have lingerings of the migraine.)

Oh well, five more weeks of physical therapy and I'll be great. Right?