Friday, September 23, 2011

Three months after surgery (almost)

My surgery was June 1.  As October 1 approaches I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on how my recovery is progressing.

I can walk!  You have no idea what a wonderful feeling it is to walk without pain.  My knees don't hurt, my back doesn't hurt.  I feel like a woman my age should feel, maybe even someone younger.

I can wear heels again!  I don't wear them everyday, but I can put on a 3-4 inch pair of heels (because they go with my outfit, of course) and walk around for a couple of hours at a social event.  I haven't been able to do this in YEARS!

I am still exercising twice a week and I'm losing fat.  Notice I didn't say losing weight.  I'm working with a trainer (it helps to have a good friend who is one) and we progressed my physical therapy (PT) to personal training (PT).  **I will add a side note that personal training can also be a legalized method of torture.  (Lub ya JT!)**

I can climb stairs and walk back down them.

My asthma has improved.  I actually use my cardiovascular system and it's functioning MUCH better than it used to.

I am on less medication now than I was when I started this journey in June.  From two or three meds a day to one, yep that's right ONE.  AND I believe as I keep losing fat, I will be able to drop that one, too! :)

I can do things now without thinking about how difficult it will be for me to accomplish it.  there are still some things that make me hesitate, but I'm learning to push past the mental blocks and try things.  I'm always surprised to find that I CAN DO IT!

I could go on and on about the changes living without pain has brought, but I'm hoping you get the picture that this was the best thing that I could possibly have done for myself and for my family.

Until the next update!
