Monday, May 30, 2011


I started gathering the things I'll need for my short hospital stay.  In forty-eight hours I'll have a new knee.  I'm both excited and terrified.  I know I've made the right decision.  I believe the finality of my decision has been hitting home the past couple of weeks.

During my pre-op appointment last week everyone kept saying you're too young to need this kind of surgery.  By all standard medical criteria they are probably right.  The reality is I have osteoarthritis and no cartilage between the bones of my right knee.  I walk with a cane now, other treatments have stopped working.  I don't want to walk like I'm 80 plus years old anymore and I haven't even mentioned the pain.

At any rate my surgery is almost here.  I've faith in God that all will go well.  I'm really looking to forward to being able to walk comfortably again.


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