Thursday, June 30, 2011

The dance of the doctor and the insurance company

Last week my doctor gave me great news.  I am healing beautifully and have good mobility in my knee.  He released from from home health physical therapy and ordered out-patient physical therapy, which will strengthen the muscles and further improve my mobility.

A week later I still haven't started my new therapy.  I called the doctor's office several times this week to hear "we are waiting on your insurance to approve."  My doctor's office doesn't know that I'm in human resources and getting in touch with my insurance company is a simple phone call, which I made.  I called and made contact with my hr team at about 2pm by 8:30am the next morning I had the approval code and information.  The insurance company said "the doctor's office didn't send the request until yesterday."

I honestly don't know which of them is or isn't telling the truth.  What I know is their "dance" and blame game us slowing down my recovery and that is totally unacceptable. 

My goal is to walk as or more comfortably now as I did 10 years ago before my knee got old.  (And only the knee got old, lol)  To accomplish that the doctor's office and insurance company have got to stop the stupid dance.

Oh, I'm now waiting on the PT provider to call and tell me when I'm scheduled.  They have until tomorrow morning before I call them.  The dance of delay stops now.


PS... I called the PT company to get my first appointment scheduled and they told me that they called me Wednesday but the line was busy. Several problems with that: 1) I have call waiting on my home line, so even if someone was on the phone, they wouldn't get a busy signal; 2) on Wednesday NO ONE could give me an approval code from the insurance company and 3) every medical provider I've worked with throughout this surgery and recovery has called my cell phone because I've noted that as the best number to reach me. Conclusion, another medical provider trying to pass blame... Ridiculous!

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