Friday, September 23, 2011

Three months after surgery (almost)

My surgery was June 1.  As October 1 approaches I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on how my recovery is progressing.

I can walk!  You have no idea what a wonderful feeling it is to walk without pain.  My knees don't hurt, my back doesn't hurt.  I feel like a woman my age should feel, maybe even someone younger.

I can wear heels again!  I don't wear them everyday, but I can put on a 3-4 inch pair of heels (because they go with my outfit, of course) and walk around for a couple of hours at a social event.  I haven't been able to do this in YEARS!

I am still exercising twice a week and I'm losing fat.  Notice I didn't say losing weight.  I'm working with a trainer (it helps to have a good friend who is one) and we progressed my physical therapy (PT) to personal training (PT).  **I will add a side note that personal training can also be a legalized method of torture.  (Lub ya JT!)**

I can climb stairs and walk back down them.

My asthma has improved.  I actually use my cardiovascular system and it's functioning MUCH better than it used to.

I am on less medication now than I was when I started this journey in June.  From two or three meds a day to one, yep that's right ONE.  AND I believe as I keep losing fat, I will be able to drop that one, too! :)

I can do things now without thinking about how difficult it will be for me to accomplish it.  there are still some things that make me hesitate, but I'm learning to push past the mental blocks and try things.  I'm always surprised to find that I CAN DO IT!

I could go on and on about the changes living without pain has brought, but I'm hoping you get the picture that this was the best thing that I could possibly have done for myself and for my family.

Until the next update!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Summer of Recovery Comes to an End

It's hard for me to believe that just two months ago I began this journey. I went for a follow-up visit with the orthopedist today and was released to go back to work. I'm doing so well that I don't have to go back until December. Of course, recovery will continue. I'll need to continue to do my Personal Torture, I mean Physical Therapy, exercises at home. (PT works but it can still be legalized torture, lol)

I'm excited that I can start the next part of this journey with energy and better physical ability than I've had in years. So very glad that I had the surgery.

Thanks to you for sharing this journey with me. Time to pick up my active life as a mom, hr professional, and jazz singer.

Come hear me sing!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Recovery Continues

Physical therapy is not an intended method of torture. Well at least that's what I've discovered. I'm moving well, great actually, losing weight and able to do so many more things than I could do before. I'm looking forward to doing more and becoming more and more active. It is taking a little time to get my energy levels back up, but I'm told that's to be expected.

I should return to work soon. Mixed thoughts about that. Quite honestly, if I could make the money I make a my day job from home, I'd consider working from home very seriously. Definitely something for me to ponder in the future (near, not far).

At any rate, I'm doing well and I'm so glad that I finally had the surgery. More later!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Recovering and frustrated

I'm recovering very well.  I'm walling without assistance or aids, driving, cooking; but I still get frustrated.  Just as I think I'm doing great I hit a bump and feel as though I'm I'm not doing so great. Today's example, I was going to go to hear a friend sing at the Jazz Hall, something I always love.  I didn't go because I felt terrible all day.  I had a migraine, my knee was hurting more than it's hurt in weeks.  I had so much medicine in my system there was no way I could drive.  (Side note: I still have lingerings of the migraine.)

Oh well, five more weeks of physical therapy and I'll be great. Right?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The dance of the doctor and the insurance company

Last week my doctor gave me great news.  I am healing beautifully and have good mobility in my knee.  He released from from home health physical therapy and ordered out-patient physical therapy, which will strengthen the muscles and further improve my mobility.

A week later I still haven't started my new therapy.  I called the doctor's office several times this week to hear "we are waiting on your insurance to approve."  My doctor's office doesn't know that I'm in human resources and getting in touch with my insurance company is a simple phone call, which I made.  I called and made contact with my hr team at about 2pm by 8:30am the next morning I had the approval code and information.  The insurance company said "the doctor's office didn't send the request until yesterday."

I honestly don't know which of them is or isn't telling the truth.  What I know is their "dance" and blame game us slowing down my recovery and that is totally unacceptable. 

My goal is to walk as or more comfortably now as I did 10 years ago before my knee got old.  (And only the knee got old, lol)  To accomplish that the doctor's office and insurance company have got to stop the stupid dance.

Oh, I'm now waiting on the PT provider to call and tell me when I'm scheduled.  They have until tomorrow morning before I call them.  The dance of delay stops now.


PS... I called the PT company to get my first appointment scheduled and they told me that they called me Wednesday but the line was busy. Several problems with that: 1) I have call waiting on my home line, so even if someone was on the phone, they wouldn't get a busy signal; 2) on Wednesday NO ONE could give me an approval code from the insurance company and 3) every medical provider I've worked with throughout this surgery and recovery has called my cell phone because I've noted that as the best number to reach me. Conclusion, another medical provider trying to pass blame... Ridiculous!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Getting Stronger Every Day

Today is Father's Day. It was bitter sweet for me because while I am getting stronger everyday, I'm not strong enough to ride (because I'm not driving yet) to Oklahoma City to see my daddy. I sent a card and I talk to him and mom everyday of my recovery. I do miss being with family today though. The good news, next year, I should be there.

My recovery is going well. I've noticed that one day something will be difficult to do and the next I can do that same thing with relative ease. I've graduated from a walker to a cane and I occasionally take a few steps without either (but don't tell my physical therapist).

I go for my three week check up soon and will probably be released from at home PT to out-patient PT, which I hear is much more challenging.

We'll see...


Monday, June 13, 2011

Bored sillly

I'm doing very well physically. Recovering at or better than expected for nearly two weeks out from surgery. So why am I struggling? Because I'm bored silly. I remember feeling similar to this after i had my first child and wasn't working. That is when I discovered that being a stay-at-home mom wasn't right for me. So now I'm sitting home again, unable to drive, needing assistance for all but some of the very basic needs.

I love my house, really love it, but I can only stay in it for so long without feeling trapped inside. Even sitting on the patio doesn't help. To get out of the house, someone has to drive me. I have willing drivers, but they also have to work and have lives(and one of them is an 18 y/o who is loving the freedoms of 18. lol) I can't cook, which is one of the ways I relieve stress and boredom. So I have everyone in the house doing things for me.

I have things to work on, crochet projects, house projects (that I can do sitting). I play Words with Friends and Wordsmith (user id CynSingsJazz if you happen to play) and I am bored silly! Come rescue me, come visit me.... Arrrggghhh! Sorry that last scream just slipped out.

Oh well, back to crochet or something...


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting better every day

All things considered, I'm doing exceptionally well.  Logically I understand this and am thrilled about the quickness of my recovery.  I am also grateful for the fabulous support system I have and for their unfailing willingness to be here to help with whatever I need.

Throwing logic out of the window and under the bus...

I feel so helpless!  I can't drive myself anywhere.  I can't cook.  I can't shower without someone else in the room with me. 

If you know me, you know I am a fiercely independent.  I take care of myself and I take care of my responsibilities.  I just do it.  I don't stop and say can you take me here it would you bring this to me keep I hop in the car and go. I go get what I need or want.  I don't get tired from riding in the car for an hour.

Ugh! Oh and daytime television is freaking ridiculous.  Do people really enjoy watching "news" shows about celebrities who aren't being held accountable or talk shows about who's the father of some woman's 15th child?  And soap operas... Let's just not discuss those; cause you can't fix stupid. 

Let me rest and do my physical therapy so I can go back to work our at least get out of the house more.

-This whining rant is brought to you by the owner of the summer of recovery....


Friday, June 3, 2011

Physical therapy is a legalized method of torture

You are correct in assuming that my physical therapy was difficult.  Okay in all honesty it KICKED MY ASS!  Literally brought me to tears, but it also ignited my determination and pushed me to do more next time. 

The next time is today.  Incentive if I can successfully get through this one, I can go home. 

I can't have a new knee and not be able to use it.  So let's do this!

After the surgery

All in all yesterday went very well.  I have a new knee!  I had an inattentive nurse who allowed my pain to get out of control, but as the day went on things got better.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Surgery today

Not much more to say.  Waiting on the surgeon.  More after I have my new knee.

Stress before surgery

So my parents arrived, as planned on the day before surgery. My children, who knew this although they adamantly say they didn't, didn't remember to clean anything: their bedrooms, the bathrooms (anything that I couldn't see to tell them to clean). So when my parents arrived as scheduled, I ask about their rooms. My daughter: But you didn't tell me they were sleeping in my room? *Insert innocent teenage girl look here* I try to restrain from killing her while reminding her of the many times we spoke of this and send her on her task after her many teenage "I forgots" and "I don't recalls" (the girl should go work for the government when she grows up. *parental eye roll*) Of course my dad choosing to use the worst bathroom in the house and proceeds to tell me how "unclean" it is. Needless to say, my pre-surgery stress went through the roof.

Ugh! I love my family and surgery is incredibly stressful; without all of this.

Monday, May 30, 2011


I started gathering the things I'll need for my short hospital stay.  In forty-eight hours I'll have a new knee.  I'm both excited and terrified.  I know I've made the right decision.  I believe the finality of my decision has been hitting home the past couple of weeks.

During my pre-op appointment last week everyone kept saying you're too young to need this kind of surgery.  By all standard medical criteria they are probably right.  The reality is I have osteoarthritis and no cartilage between the bones of my right knee.  I walk with a cane now, other treatments have stopped working.  I don't want to walk like I'm 80 plus years old anymore and I haven't even mentioned the pain.

At any rate my surgery is almost here.  I've faith in God that all will go well.  I'm really looking to forward to being able to walk comfortably again.


The Journey begins

I am a 44 year old Black woman. Mother of two teenagers, one of each gender, who are 14 and 18. On June 1, 2011 I will have total knee replacement surgery. I created this blog to document my thoughts, hopes, fear and the progress I make as I recover. It's truly an outlet for me,there are a lot of thoughts, hopes and fears as I go into this...

Welcome to my journey...
